FCGH Alliance Joins Global Movement for Sustainable Health Equity
The FCGH Alliance has joined the Global Movement for Sustainable Health Equity!
In April 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to spread, several doctors with clinical, epidemiological and health policy experience in different world regions, supported by over 300 health right defenders and 100 networks and organizations, submitted a letter to the UN Secretary General. The letter called attention to the glaring inequities across the globe, in low and middle income countries and among disadvantaged groups in high income countries, and raised an alarm as to how the Covid-19 pandemic could further undermine health equity.

Building on the large support for the letter and the momentum it created to challenge structural global inequity, supporters of the letter founded the Movement for Sustainable Health Equity. The Movement, which launched during an online event on July 2 2020, is aimed at promoting analysis, networking and action at local, national and global level towards health equity. Inaugural members include FCGH Alliance member Latin American Alliance of Global Health (ALASAG), World Medical Association, International Association of National Public Health Institutes, World Federation of Public Health Associations, UMass Medical School, InterAcademy Partnership, and World Federation of Critical Care Nurses.
In opening remarks of the launch event, Paulo Buss, of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz) spotlighted the FCGH Alliance stating that in order to overcome inequities and achieve a more equal society the “[Global Movement for Sustainable Health Equity] should work closely with other networks and organizations that share our vision, supporting one another’s efforts, for example, with the Framework Convention on Global Health Alliance, which has been advocating for a global treaty based in the right to health and aimed at national and global health equity.”