The Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH) was first conceived of in 2007 as a global treaty that would address the unconscionable health inequities among and within countries. Since then, the human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health has become the core principle of the FCGH.
The FCGH, a proposed treaty yet to be developed, would be based in the right to health and aimed at addressing the central shortcomings in implementing the right to health and the opportunity for all people, wherever they live, whoever they are, to have the opportunity to live long, healthy lives.
Core areas that the FCGH would cover include:
- improving national and global accountability to health commitments and to the right to health itself, including by ensuring people’s opportunity to participate in health-related decisions from community to global levels;
- ensuring non-discrimination and addressing persisting marginalization and immense health inequities
- increasing national and global health financing;
- ensuring that all sectors of society work towards fulfilling the right to health, and that none (such as intellectual property or trade regimes) undermine this right.