International pandemic instrument must address the root causes of inequity
FCGH Alliance submission to first round of public hearings, written component, regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response The international pandemic instrument must address the root causes...
Strengthening the Right to Health and Equity in International Law: What can we do? – A collaborative virtual session
Join the SHEM for a virtual session on equity, the right to health, and strengthening international law to achieve both. The Sustainable Health Equity Movement’s Human Rights Working Group has...
Addressing inequity and advancing the right to health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response
The FCGH Alliance partnered with the Global Health Center, Graduate Institute Geneva to organize a seminar on a pandemic treaty on 5 November 2021. The seminar presented gave participants the...
SHEM and FCGH Alliance statement to 74th World Health Assembly
A pandemic treaty must address health for all as a human right and be followed by a treaty on the right to health The Sustainable Health Equity Movement (SHEM) Working...
Why We Need a Transformative Right-to-Health Pandemic Treaty Now
Originally posted in Bill of Health by Martín Hevia and Ximena Benavides Acknowledging what went wrong during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial to any pandemic lawmaking efforts. Chief among these concerns should...
Alliance For Health Promotion Statement to ECOSOC High-Level Segment
FCGH Alliance member Alliance for Health Promotion (A4HP) submitted the following statement to the 2021 High-Level Segment (HLS) of the Economic and Social Council. This year’s HLS will focus primarily...
An international treaty enshrining the right to health should be part of post-covid reforms
Eric A Friedman, Kelly E Perry, and Luiz GalvãoOriginally published in The BMJ Opinion | June 24, 2021 As covid-19 claimed ever more lives, destroyed livelihoods, and overwhelmed health systems, world...
Reform or Revolution in Global Health?
Precious Matsoso, Paulo Buss, Leigh Kamore HaynesIn Project Syndicate | June 7, 2021 The World Health Organization’s governing body of health ministers has responded to a call from dozens of world leaders...
FCGH Alliance members to WHA74: A Framework Convention on Global Health would ‘create a safer world for all’
FCGH Alliance members Alliance for Health Promotion, International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations, and Amref Africa submitted the following statement to the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly: Agenda ItemsAgenda Item 17 WHO’s...
Advancing Women’s and Children’s Health: The Value of the Framework Convention on Global Health
Arachu Castro, Eric A. Friedman, Luiz Galvao, Martin Hevia, and Helia Molina Originally published in Health and Human Rights Journal , April 29, 2021 Historically, women in most parts of the...