Amid UN calls for UHC, civil society demands global health equity–the FCGH would help achieve both
On September 23 the UN high-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will take place in New York City, where world leaders will sign a political declaration on how to achieve UHC. Global civil society has strong criticism of this declaration and will gather to make their voices heard to decision makers.

Rally for Global Health Equity
September 23, 2019 at 4:00pm
2nd Ave & E 46th St.
New York City
The purpose of this action is to call out the United Nations Member States’ Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage as an empty promise that risks increasing health inequities globally.
The FCGH Alliance stands strongly for universal health coverage and health equity for all people. We envision that the FCGH will work to achieve UHC and global health equity in many ways:
The FCGH’s vision is that all people, wherever they live, ought to be able to easily access comprehensive quality universal health coverage. The treaty would promote equity and equal access to quality health services, and commit states to ensuring that no one is impoverished by health spending. (Key Principles, #5)
The FCGH would set high standards for universal health coverage. It would include accountable processes to ensure inclusive, transparent, evidence-based national processes to determine and update a comprehensive set of services to be guaranteed to every person. (Key Principles, #6)
The FCGH would establish targets for national health financing and health development assistance to enable sufficient funding for comprehensive UHC, including healthcare and the underlying determinants of health. (Key Principles, #7; March 2018 briefing paper)
The FCGH would empower people to claim and enforce their right to health and governments to enforce it, so that UHC policies are effectively implemented and translate into better health for all. (Key Principles, #2)
The FCGH would reinforce non-discrimination obligations and establish mechanisms to enhance equitable coverage, so that UHC is truly universal, and those in greatest need benefit from the start. (Key Principles, #3; March 2018 briefing paper; draft treaty, Part 1, Article 4: Guiding Principles)